Montag, 1. September 2014

Break from blogging?

Some of you already read it on twitter: I'm currently thinking about either taking a break from my blog or reducing the posts to one per week (I think I'll just post less because I can't just quit, my blog is like my baby haha). I absolutely love blogging and I have so much fun doing it, but I'm currently searching for universities and the next school year will be really important and stressful for me. 
Even though I plan on spending a year in America as soon as I finish school I have to think about which university I will be attending, because I won't be in Germany when I need to apply. I realized that the studies I want to take are rare in Germany (there are only a handful of universities I could attend). Most of them are privat and I would have to pay 600€ per month, others are too far away for my liking and nearly all of them want an average of 1,5 or higher (I'm currently at 2,2 with some begging in two classes haha). Next semester will only be 3 month (without breaks and stuff ). 

I have to write about 6 exams in the first month and about 10 in the following 2 month (THAT'S CRAZY AND STRESSFUL AND AH). The second semester will be 2 month where I have to take 10 exams and then I have to take my finals.. 

I'll have to study my butt off to get an average below 2,0 and I really want to get one to study what really interests me (which by the way is "English and American culture and business studies", which will allow me to study 2 semesters abroad and to work in international companies once I'm ready). Since I cannot afford 600€ plus rent for an apartement every month I have to get a better average in school. 

I'll be studying most of my free time, so I fear that there won't be much time for blogging.. I think I'll blog as much as possible, but I think you all will understand that school needs to come first and I probably cannot stick to my blogging schedule of 3 posts a week anymore (I barely stuck to it the last weeks..). I will definitely finish the #teenblogseries I started and I already have some posts scheduled. I will try to schedule as many posts as possible the next days (as long as I still have time to write some) to make sure I don't have to stress when school has started again. I really want to posts to have good quality and I'd rather not upload than upload something I'm not happy with. 

I hope you understand and bare with me if there are weeks without any posts.. I do love my blog and all you beautiful faces reading this, but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do.


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